Cambio de Domicilio

[:en]The Importance of Notifying USCIS about your Change of Address[:es]La Importancia de Notificar al USCIS sobre su Cambio de Domicilio[:]

[:en]Have you ever wondered why you have not received correspondence from United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS)? Perhaps you believe your case is taking longer than usual and you should have already received a decision. Then you remember that a few months ago you moved out of your house and never notified USCIS of [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:20:07+00:00February 26th, 2019|Immigration News | Noticias sobre Inmigración|Comments Off on [:en]The Importance of Notifying USCIS about your Change of Address[:es]La Importancia de Notificar al USCIS sobre su Cambio de Domicilio[:]

[:en]Don’t Forget to Update Your Address![:es]No Se Le Olvide Actualizar Su Dirección![:]

[:en]USCIS recently announced it will destroy Employment Authorization Card, Travel Documents, and Lawful Permanent Resident Cards which are returned to USCIS as undeliverable. After 60 business days, the cards will be destroyed if the you have not contacted USCIS and provided a correct address. Most individuals who are not U.S. citizens must report any address [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:21:24+00:00April 7th, 2018|Immigration News | Noticias sobre Inmigración|Comments Off on [:en]Don’t Forget to Update Your Address![:es]No Se Le Olvide Actualizar Su Dirección![:]
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