[:en]USCIS to Implement Policy on Issuance of NTAs in Humanitarian Cases November 19[:es]USCIS Implementará Póliza sobre Emisión de NTAs en Casos Humanitarios el 19 de noviembre [:]

[:en]In July 2018, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published an updated policy memorandum. The memorandum updates USCIS’ guidance for adjudicators on the issuance of Notices to Appear (NTA). The purpose of this updated policy is to “better align with [the] enforcement priorities” outlined in Executive Order 13768, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:20:19+00:00November 15th, 2018|Immigration News | Noticias sobre Inmigración|Comments Off on [:en]USCIS to Implement Policy on Issuance of NTAs in Humanitarian Cases November 19[:es]USCIS Implementará Póliza sobre Emisión de NTAs en Casos Humanitarios el 19 de noviembre [:]

[:en]USCIS Updates Policy on the Issuance of Notices to Appear[:es]USCIS Actualiza Póliza sobre la Emisión de Notificaciones de Comparecencia[:]

[:en]In July, Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published an updated policy memorandum. The memorandum updates USCIS’ guidance for adjudicators on the issuance of Notices to Appear (NTA). The purpose of this updated policy is to “better align with [the] enforcement priorities” outlined in Executive Order 13768, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:20:38+00:00August 8th, 2018|Immigration News | Noticias sobre Inmigración|Comments Off on [:en]USCIS Updates Policy on the Issuance of Notices to Appear[:es]USCIS Actualiza Póliza sobre la Emisión de Notificaciones de Comparecencia[:]
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