
[:en]Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its Fourth Anniversary![:es] Lopez Immigration Law celebra su Cuarto Aniversario![:]

[:en]In July, Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its fourth anniversary! We are so grateful to our clients, our families, and our friends, who make this possible. It truly is our privilege to help our clients navigate our complex immigration system and achieve their immigration goals, but we would not be able to do it without the [...]

By |2020-06-26T13:47:40+00:00July 1st, 2020|Lopez Immigration Law|Comments Off on [:en]Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its Fourth Anniversary![:es] Lopez Immigration Law celebra su Cuarto Aniversario![:]

[:en]Happy New Year![:es]Feliz Año Nuevo![:]

[:en]As we reflect on 2019, we want to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, friends, and family. We are so honored by our clients trust and grateful for the many individuals and organizations who support our work. It has been our pleasure to be a part of your lives this past year and [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:17:13+00:00December 28th, 2019|Lopez Immigration Law|Comments Off on [:en]Happy New Year![:es]Feliz Año Nuevo![:]

[:en]The “Public Charge” Rule[:es]La Nueva Regla de “Carga Pública”[:]

[:en]This week, the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, published a new public charge rule. The rule will not take effect until October 15, but many people already have questions about it. Through this blog post, we hope to explain a little bit about what public charge is, what the new rule means and who [...]

By |2019-08-17T20:06:09+00:00August 17th, 2019|Public Charge | Carga Publica|Comments Off on [:en]The “Public Charge” Rule[:es]La Nueva Regla de “Carga Pública”[:]

[:en]What is a FOIA request and why should I submit one?[:es]¿Qué es una solicitud de FOIA y por qué debo someter una?[:]

[:en]I was told I should submit a FOIA request. What does that mean? FOIA stands for the Freedom of Information Act. The FOIA was created to encourage government transparency. It allows members of the public to request access to records from any federal agency. Under the FOIA, federal agencies are required to provide this information [...]

By |2019-07-21T01:22:10+00:00July 21st, 2019|Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)|Comments Off on [:en]What is a FOIA request and why should I submit one?[:es]¿Qué es una solicitud de FOIA y por qué debo someter una?[:]

[:en]Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its Third Anniversary![:es]Lopez Immigration Law celebra su Tercer Aniversario![:]

[:en]In July, Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its third anniversary! We are so grateful to our clients, our family, and our friends, who make this possible. It truly is our privilege to help our clients navigate our complex immigration system and achieve their immigration goals, but we would not be able to do it without the [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:17:27+00:00July 12th, 2019|Lopez Immigration Law|Comments Off on [:en]Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its Third Anniversary![:es]Lopez Immigration Law celebra su Tercer Aniversario![:]

[:en]Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its Second Anniversary![:es]Lopez Immigration Law celebra su Segundo Aniversario![:]

[:en]In July, Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its second anniversary! We would like to thank all of the wonderful people who have made this milestone possible - our clients, our family, and our friends. It is an honor for us to help our clients navigate our complex immigration system and achieve their immigration goals, but we [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:18:12+00:00July 10th, 2018|Lopez Immigration Law|Comments Off on [:en]Lopez Immigration Law celebrates its Second Anniversary![:es]Lopez Immigration Law celebra su Segundo Aniversario![:]

[:en]Congratulations, Nancy![:es]Felicidades, Nancy![:]

[:en] We are very proud to announce Nancy recently completed a comprehensive course on immigration law. We are very grateful to Nancy for diligently completing all the sessions as well as the final exam. Below, Nancy tells us a little more about the course: Q: You recently took a comprehensive course on immigration law. How [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:18:24+00:00June 21st, 2018|Lopez Immigration Law|Comments Off on [:en]Congratulations, Nancy![:es]Felicidades, Nancy![:]

[:en]USCIS Changes Policy for Mailing Secure Documents [:es]USCIS Cambia Póliza de Entrega de Documentos Seguros[:]

[:en]Starting today, April 30, 2018, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will start using the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) signature confirmation service for mailing certain documents, such as lawful permanent resident cards, employment authorization documents, and travel documents. Applicants will now need to present an identification and sign for the delivery. Although this requires more [...]

By |2020-01-14T00:20:59+00:00April 29th, 2018|Immigration News | Noticias sobre Inmigración|Comments Off on [:en]USCIS Changes Policy for Mailing Secure Documents [:es]USCIS Cambia Póliza de Entrega de Documentos Seguros[:]
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